
When you go to the doctor´s you have to wait first. There is no chance of getting directly to the doctor.
Why doesn´t his secretary update the appointments?
The doctor could tell her that he needs longer with a patient and gives her the time that the other patients have till he has time for them.
They could send you an sms or an email! That would be really nice!
You can compare that to computer programs which have live updates.
A good program has an automatic update, so why shouldn´t a good doctor have live updates for appointments?
Maybe it would cost him a bit but he´d save the money for all those magazines.
So there is no point of not doing it.
The patients would have much more time since they wouldn´t have to wait at the doctor´s for a long time.
But the doctor doesn’t want that.
He wants to see all the people who are waiting for him.
It makes him feel better.
He thinks, “I am so important. All the people are waiting for me!
I can take a break in my office and nobody will know. And I can make fun of ´em!
When someone comes in with a bad cough I can tell him to take his pants off and he will do it!”
There is also another reason why he wants people to wait!
Doctors get paid by the amount of sick people, so if someone is not sick he will be!
There are so many sick people who are infectious, it´s a minor risk that you don´t get sick when you aren´t already!
So it´s too bad that doesn´t exist yet, cause if you receive a message which says that you can come half an hour later to the doctor´s, you maybe could visit your girlfriend.
You pop in and have sex!
After that you have a good excuse to leave her place really quickly!
But since you have to wait at the doctor´s, why don´t they have hookers there?
I mean, you would know they are healthy!…and you can take an AIDS test right away!
I can see a commercial for that:
“Enjoy yourself and get treated afterwards!
Hospital Hookers! It´s a safer way!”

She also could help you with sperm samples!

You know what is weird? When you go to the doctor´s and you have to give sample sperms they take it for granted that you know how to do it. They don´t explain it to you.
More than that…when you need to give sample sperms to a doctor and you don´t know how to do that..maybe you will land infront of a court when you ask the nurse:
“Can you show me how to do that?”
The nurse sues your ass cause of sexual harrasment.
And when you get to jail you go like, “I´m innocent, I didn´t even masturbate!”
But don´t let the other inmates know…maybe they turn you into that!

© Andreas Plefka